
Tickets for Sleeping Beauty this Spring 2024 will be available through Eventbrite and Venmo:

Tickets are $15 each General Admission, and $12 each for Small Groups Admission (4+ people) and for Earlybird Pricing (bought before Feb 25th).

Tickets are $15 each General Admission, and $12 each for Small Groups Admission (4+ people) and for Earlybird Pricing (bought before Feb 25th).
When purchasing tickets through Venmo, please state exactly how many tickets you are purchasing, ie $45, “3 Tickets for Saturday Evening” or $50, “3 Earlybird Tickets for Saturday & $14 Donation”…
We will place your name in will call. Please screenshot your payment to show as proof of purchase.

Thank you for coming and supporting community ballet! We are excited for you to join us for this magical experience!

For your convenience, flowers will be sold at the door.

Utah Valley Civic Ballet is a non-profit community ballet company and any donations would be greatly appreciated.